About us

About us

For the better quality of life for us, we use various kinds of materials. At the present, many materials are provided by fossil resources, but its too much consumption is worried to significantly influence the environment. Development and introduction of biomaterials, which will be in harmony with the environment and can replace fossil resources, are highly expected. Wood, the most important biomaterial, is renewable and clean. The promotion of its appropriate utilization will preserve the environment, and is of great importance for the everlasting existence of human beings.

In order to constructively promote the utilization of biomaterials, we have to work for the efficient and complete uses of wood, most important biomaterial, and to apply stored knowledge and refined research methods as material science to biomaterials other than wood. Namely, we have to advance science and technology for this aid.

  • 生物材料物理学研究室
  • 木質材料学研究室
  • 製紙科学研究質
  • 森林化学研究室
  • 木材化学研究室
  • 高分子材料学研究室
  • 生物素材科学研究室
  • 環境材料設計学研究室(アジア生物資源環境研究センター)
  • セルロース化学研究室
  • 環境共生システム学専修 環境資源プロセス学専修 東京大学農学部7類
  • 農学生命科学研究室 生物材料科学専攻 木造建築コース